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Stoves, WoodCookers, Inserts, Wood Boilers
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Dovre stoves & Fireplaces come with 60 years of Scandinavian heritage. Dovre's stoves and fireplaces are built to endure the harshest of Arctic winters. In fact, Dovre's manufacturing expertise with premium grade cast iron is such that all cast parts on their stoves and fireplaces come with a 5 year guarantee.
Continuously refined and developed, today's woodburning and smokeless fuel models of stove and fireplace offer advanced cleanburn technology for improved efficiency and airwash systems to help keep the door glass clean. Many of Dovre's stoves and fireplaces come with the convenience of gas or electricity. So browse now to find one that's perfect for you.
Our Stoves

Chazelle has amassed a wealth of experience in the field of high-performance closed fireplaces. From the design right through to the manufacture, the most innovative techniques are used to research, develop and produce new products with the highest demand for quality. Chazelle fireplaces, notable for their gentle lines and design, benefit from the best technological advances and are subject to the strictest inspections to ensure total safety.
Inserts and ???Habillages

Also available, basic brands like Franco Belge, Deville, Supra ... contact us.

Stove pipes in Inox and Enamel. Insulated pipes, Tubage Inox double peau, Raccords ...
Everything needed for warm air distribution, Insulation, Grilles...